Dare to challenge your consumers – How a hard-earned discount upvalues your brand

To all you discount sermomizers and hardselling advocates out there – sorry to rain on your parade,
but if a customer gets something for nothing, he´ll be unthankful. At best.
If he gets a 20% discount, he won´t appreciate the present. He´ll think “It´s not worth more than the 20% off”.
But you want to build yourself a beloved brand, not a pitied one, don´t you?

No, we don´t try to persuade you to waive your bargains. Especially if you work in the retail business, you would immediately stop reading if we did. So we don´t.

What we DO try to convince you of is being more demanding towards your customers.
Give them their discount. But only in exchange for performance. Afraid of scaring your target group away?
Don´t worry. The opposite will be the case.

Care for some examples?

Well, if you are Nike or adidas, give them a discount for showing their football skills on YouTube.

If you are BMW, reward them for performing the best lap time on a driving simulator at the dealer (as a side effect, you will get more people to the dealer and prevent them from buying their car at an online dealership (that has no qualms
about giving discounts for nothing). Sheer driving pleasure will meet sheer sales increase.

Make people cook, run, paint, write poems. But ALWAYS make them do it in accordance with your brand story.
Your target group will not only worship the interactivity. But also dig deep into your brand and the story behind it.
And a richly deserved -10% off for the consumer will turn into an easily earned +10% sales increase for you.

Last but not least will your brand enjoy a LOVE boost as well…